Different phylogenetic algorithms code gaps in different ways. However, it is not clear the effect of different gap coding methods on phylogenetic results. 不同的系统发育重建算法以不同的方式编码空位,但是不同的编码方式对系统发育分析结果的影响并不清楚。
Comparisons between simple indel coding and other gap coding methods 简单INDEL编码与其它空位编码方法的比较
Although gap penalties affect the results of multiple sequence alignment, it is not clear whether there is difference among results got when using different gap coding method and tree search method. 虽然空位罚分显著地影响多序列比对,但是并不清楚当空位以不同的方法编码和使用不同的重建算法时系统发育分析结果是否存在差异。
However, all of them have both advantages and disadvantages, new gap coding methods are needed to code gaps better in phylogenetic analyses. 但是,所有的空位编码方法都有其优点和缺点,需要提出新的空位编码方法才能使空位信息在系统发育分析中得以充分地应用。
I cover three-dimensional absorbing coating gap is filled by the method, in the subdivision, coding and other issues more complex and require more time to deal with. 口盖三维缝隙采用的是吸收涂料填充的方法,在剖分、编码等问题上更复杂,需要更多时间去处理。